Is there really a bad time to increase your passive income? How to Make Money in a Bear Market When the stock market goes down, it can be hard to make money. But there are still ways to earn cash during a bear market . In this article, we'll show you how to invest smart and make money even when the market is down. Diversify Your Investments The first thing to do before the market is down, is to make sure your money is spread out in different investments. This is called diversifying. By spreading your money around, you can reduce the risk of losing it all in one place. This helps to reduce the risk of losing all of your money if one investment performs poorly. By diversifying, you can potentially earn a higher return on your investment while also spreading out the risk. It's a common strategy that investors use to manage their portfolio and minimize their risk. Some good investments to consider include real estate, bonds, and stocks that pay dividends . Real Esta...